
5 IT Must-Knows for 2023

28 December, 2022


5 IT Must-Knows for 2023

Technology has advanced at an alarming speed in the last decade and will continue to change and improve in the future. With so many groundbreaking innovations on the horizon, it can be hard to stay up to date on all of the latest IT trends and how they could affect your business's operations.

Regardless, CIOs and IT executives are expected to know what the future of IT holds to spearhead growth, efficiency, and digitization in their organizations.

Here are some of the biggest IT trends you need to know in 2023.  

#1 Accelerated Digital Transformation

Despite realizing how critical digital transformation is for business survival, many organizations pre-covid hadn’t prioritized the move to digital infrastructure. 

However, with COVID-19 striking hard, organizations are no longer dragging their feet on matters relating to digitization. Spurred by the shift to remote work and hybrid workplaces, organizations large and small were forced to ramp up their digitization efforts to ensure they could thrive and operate efficiently. 

Organizations are now rapidly embracing digital transformation. Companies are being forced to make dramatic changes to their processes and technology, which will allow them to survive in today's increasingly harsh environment. 

Even as we enter the post-pandemic era, digital transformation isn't going to slow down any time soon.

According to IDC, despite a global pandemic, direct digital transformation (DX) investment is still growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.5% from 2020 to 2023. It is expected to approach $6.8 trillion as companies build on existing strategies and investments, becoming digital-at-scale future-proofed enterprises.

#2 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions are Key

The COVID-19 pandemic has fast-tracked the adoption of artificial intelligence as business leaders recognize firsthand the potential and benefits of AI and analytic solutions to their organizations. 

A report by The AI Journal reveals that about 72% of leaders feel positive about AI's role in the future, with the number one expectation being that it will make business processes more efficient. More than 50% of IT leaders have suggested that AI will help create new business models, and 54% expect it to enable new products and services. 

Evidently, AI is playing a much more significant role in organizations in 2023. 

From automation to data-driven insights that are now making their way into everything from supply chain management to cyber security, AI technologies are at the center of business operations. 

Moreover, AI, Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) are changing how consumers interact with companies—think chatbots replacing call centers. 

Furthermore, with the advancement and simplicity of AI tools, AI solutions are being more widely adopted by many companies than ever before. These and more developments mean that IT and business execs should keep an eye on AI, ML, and DL technologies moving forward and accelerate plans to implement them to solve inefficiencies and to resolve business pain points. 

As one tech leader says, "The playing field is poised to become a lot more competitive, and businesses that don't deploy AI and data to help them innovate in everything they do will be at a disadvantage." 

#3 Intensifying Cybersecurity

It's no secret that cybercrime is on a steep incline, with cyberattacks, threats, and breaches getting more complex and multifaceted every day, with every subsequent incident proving to be worse than the previous one. 

The total economic impact of cybercrime worldwide is predicted to be $10.5 Trillion annually by 2025. 

Cybercrime is a global challenge requiring new technology concepts and outside-the-box approaches to solve. As such, investing in cybersecurity is essential now more than ever as organizations increasingly realize their digital infrastructures are only as secure as their building blocks.

With new inter-connected technologies such as IoT, 5G, etc., the risk and complexity of cybercrime rises. To keep up with cybercriminals, organizations will need to continually invest in intelligent threat detection and security systems driven by AI and machine learning. 

However, organizations must realize that AI isn't a silver bullet to all security issues. 

Organizations must embed AI-based security solutions while training all employees on the best security practices.

#4 Hyper-automation Adoption

Like automation before it, hyper-automation is impacting nearly every industry and occupation. Gartner forecasts that the global market for hyper-automation enabling technologies will reach USD 596.6 billion by 2022. The research firm also predicts that hyper-automation will cut IT operational costs by 30% by 2024 while also reducing complexities in modern IT environments.

While many organizations are still caught up in process automation, forward-thinking organizations are already embracing the possibilities of hyper-automation. Leveraging technologies like AI, machine learning, and robotic process automation, hyper-automation is showing its power to transform businesses drastically.

Companies will dramatically increase their efficiency and productivity by automating as many menial processes as possible and freeing up employees’ time to work on significant problems. This is why hyper-automation will increasingly be key to unlocking productivity, unlocking digital value, transforming employee and customer experiences, and rapidly launching new products and services in 2023. 

In 2023 and beyond, we’ll see more enterprises leverage hyper-automation to drive agility as they look to automate processes.

#5 Ubiquitous Edge Computing

The trend toward increased edge computing has been happening over recent years. Worldwide expenditures on edge computing are expected to rise to $176 billion in 2022, increasing by 14.8% over 2021. 

Spending will rise to nearly $274 Billion through 2025 for edge solutions surrounding hardware, software, and services.

Many enterprises are finding that they need to extend computing resources, storage, and analytics nearer to the computers and locations where data is generated. Edge computing provides a way to offload processes and perform tasks locally, saving companies time, money, and resources.

In 2023, secure edge computing will be ubiquitous as vendors and organizations embrace edge cloud strategies that maximize serverless computing models. This comes as IoT devices develop rapidly, bringing about new and more complex applications that necessitate real-time results.

Getting Ready for What Comes Next

As technology advances, IT leaders must look for new ways to leverage all the incredible capabilities coming down the road and adapt accordingly. 

Our list doesn’t cover all the IT trends that will be significant over the next few years, but they are some of the most important ones to keep an eye on. How organizations leverage these cutting-edge technologies will determine their relevance and competitive position in the future.

Seeing the opportunities in modern technologies, Pronix Inc. supports organizations to implement technological solutions that scale their operations to new heights while unlocking new possibilities. Our team of IT professionals will readily assist you in developing and deploying new and relevant technologies into your existing business procedures. 

Get in touch with our experts today for a comprehensive examination of your organization’s next-gen tech requirements!

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